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"You can be mad, but don't be mean."

Clear communication and consistency are essential when dealing with children. An excellent way for parents to be consistent in their parenting is to have a hip pocket full of memorable one-liners that remind their kids to treat everyone respectfully, including themselves. These one-liners also help establish and reinforce family rules.

Nicole, a mother of three and founder of the Raising Kind Kids Club, is going viral on TikTok for a post where she shares the memorable one-liners she uses with her children, who are now teenagers. The one-liners are all examples of kind, gentle and respectful parenting. They are also a great way to reinforce rules and values.

What a beautiful gut punch.

Humans have been writing poetry for thousands of years, communicating feelings and ideas in beautiful, powerful ways that prose just can't quite reach. Poetry can be hard to define, but you know it when you see it—or rather, when you feel it.

Emily Dickinson once wrote, “If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.” A poem hits you somewhere—your brain, your heart, your gut. And one poem that packs an incredibly moving punch has come from an unlikely source—an elderly woman with dementia.

Luca and his mom have already fostered more than 90 pets.

There likely isn't a child alive that hasn't bargained with their parents about getting a pet, even if they already have one. When kids are determined to get a new animal, they can come up with some pretty wild compromises. Offering things like giving away all of their toys if they can get just one snake or they'll never misbehave again if their parents bring home a puppy for Christmas.

You name it, they've thought about it. But the request for a pet can be especially adorable when the child asking is still little with a big plan on how they can afford the pet on their own. A little boy from Rhode Island was determined to get his own cat from a local animal shelter as well as help the other animals in need. Luca Arpin is just 6-years-old but he's got big plans to earn the adoption fees needed to get a kitten.

Use those genetic superpowers for good, little one.

If you wanted to create a human with the most Gen X superpowers possible, the recipe would be pretty simple. Just get Kurt Cobain's kid to marry Tony Hawk's kid and have a baby, right?

Welp, that's exactly what has happened, and it's like a 90s fever dream come true.