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It's such a bop, people want her to release it as a real song.

Welcome to the modern American pharmaceutical drug commercial, which the incomparable Elle Cordova has hilariously parodied on TikTok.

Cordova has gained a huge loyal following with her brilliant poems and videos personifying everything from planets to inventions to fonts on social media. Her "RX Side Effects Redux" video takes on pharmaceutical ad side effect disclaimers with a list of potential reactions that have people cracking up.

"I promise that I will make all the girls around me feel safe."

Families often have different ages that they teach children about a big life topics. Anish Bhagatt felt like the time was finally right to teach his younger brother, Dhruva, his "duties as a man." The little boy had just turned 12, so certain talks needed to be had and Bhagatt felt he was best suited for the job.

The older brother picked Dhruva up from school to take him on his journey to manhood. From the look on the little boy's face, he knew he was in for a treat hanging out with his older brother. This may not have been the chat he was expecting, but the boy soaked up the knowledge eagerly.

Bhagatt started the video by saying, "So Dhruva, you're a big man now," before the little boy happily interjects stating, "Yes, I'm 12!"

Acie Holland III is a hero.

An 8th grader in Wisconsin is being called a hero by the community for taking control of the school bus after the driver suffered a medical emergency. The trip started as a routine ride home from school on April 24. The bus driver joked with students as they loaded up on the bus, but things took a turn for the worse shortly after.

"As we got about 20 feet down Villard, I was looking at my phone and I looked back up and I felt the bus accelerate," Acie Holland III, 14, told TMJ4. "And I looked at the bus driver because she went past my stop and I looked and I seen her head just go down."

Acie quickly sprung into action, removing the driver’s foot from the gas pedal and taking control of the wheel. "I grabbed the steering wheel, then I get us to the curb and I hit the brakes close and then when we hit the curb, I turned the wheel all the way because I didn't know where the parking brake was," Acie told WISN.

Even the Prince of Darkness himself was impressed.

For many of us, elementary music education consisted of banging out a painful rendition of “Hot Cross Buns” on a recorder. But for the kids of the Louisville Leopard Percussionists, it looks a little more like rocking out to Ozzy Osbourne.

Thanks to Reddit, a 2012 clip has resurfaced showing the clearly gifted 4th to 6th graders using xylophones, drums, keyboards, and a single bass guitar to absolutely slay a cover of Osbourne’s 1980s hit “Crazy Train.” And let’s just say—the video is just as impressive as ever.

It’s not just that the kids were able to hit the notes with extreme proficiency—it’s the evident passion and joy put into their performance that really has people wowed.