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The boy got to keep his dollar and gain a friend.

Kids can be amazingly empathetic people, many of them doing what they can to help others in need unprompted. Homelessness has been an increasing issue across America and some kids have taken small steps to try to help when they can. Kids are seen doing things like volunteering at a soup kitchen with their family, handing out personal hygiene kits and even making sandwiches in their own kitchen to give out.

One kid has been noticing a growing homeless population and wanting to lend a helping hand, but every time he encountered someone without a home, he had no money. But Kelvin Ellis didn't stop the desire of wanting to help so the next time he came across a man that appeared homeless, he was excited that this time he had a dollar in his pocket.

Kelvin, who is 9-years-old spotted a houseless person standing in the corner of a restaurant and knew it was his chance. The boy approached the man who was standing with his eyes closed and held out the only money he had–a dollar bill. But to Kelvin's surprise, the man refused the kind gesture and instead bought him breakfast because it turned out the man wasn't homeless at all.

This takes you straight back to 90s emo in the best way.

In a sea of extremely talented singers, it’s the vocalists who can take a song (even those performed by one-of-a-kind artists) and truly make it their own that, time after time, seem to really stand out on “American Idol.”

And Sam Kelly-Cohen, aka Kayko, is no exception. The 23-year old Florida singer-songwriter wowed judges and made it to the Top 10 round with his pop punk cover of Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know”…which is guaranteed to transport you right back to the days of emo bands and heavy eyeliner.

There are just about two weeks left of this year’s LA2050 Grants Challenge voting period. So, let’s check in and see what issues Angelenos are voting for!⁠

LA2050 is granting $1 million to organizations making a difference on the 10 top-voted issues! (And, other funding partners will be contributing another $1 million+ as well.) ⁠

Right now, the issue areas in the lead are…… ⁠

  • Green space, park access, & trees

  • Affordable housing & homelessness⁠

  • Support for foster and systems-impacted youth⁠

  • Income inequality⁠

  • Public transit ⁠

There is still time left to vote and shift the results! If an issue area you care about isn’t on this list – walk-able and bike-able streets, food access, early education, support for entrepreneurs, or civic engagement and voting, head to now to make your voice heard. ⁠ Voting is available in 12 languages and open to all ages.

Should they be banned in schools everywhere?

The Norwegian government is spearheading a significant initiative to prohibit students from having smartphones in schools. This move comes in the wake of compelling studies demonstrating the positive impact of removing these devices from students’ hands and allowing them to focus more on their learning.

The effects have been particularly beneficial for girls.