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You probably haven't heard these before.

Life hacks are tiny nuggets of wisdom that can make our daily lives easier and more enjoyable. They're clever shortcuts and ingenious solutions to everyday problems that we sometimes don’t realize are unique to us until we share them with others.

They can save us time, money and effort, all while adding a dash of fun and creativity to our routines.

At Upworthy, we love sharing life hacks to make our readers' lives a bit easier. We’ve done them on tips people wish they knew in their 20s, “simple but effective” life hacks, “life advice,” how to make your refrigerator smell better and even hacks that help you find a lost kid.

One would think that we’ve heard every hack known to man. However, a group of Redditors have come together to share the “completely original” life hacks they came up with and there are many new ones that we’ve never heard.

"I feel like this would even benefit adults in a marriage, friendship, etc."

There's always advice out there for parents that promise to be the game changer everyone's been looking for but since every child is different, the claim rarely rings true. But this piece of advice might just do the thing it claims because it's such a simple shift and allows for both parent and child to feel validated in tough situations.

Anjuli Paschall recently posted a video sharing a phrase her mom used with her as a child that changed her life. She shares that over Christmas break she was washing the family's antique china, five of the fragile dishes fell to the floor and shattered. At the sound of the noise, Paschall's mom screamed from the other room, "I love you more than those dishes."

Career advisor Erin McGoff has some helpful info for navigating what she called one of the 'trickiest' parts of a job interview.

Job hunting literally can feel like you’re out in the Sahara scavenging for your next meal…all the while knowing that there are dozens of other hunters just as starving as you are, and that there doesn’t seem to be enough morsels to go around. It all makes one anxiety-laden psychic landmine, forgive the mix of metaphors.

Even after you’ve used all the tips and tricks to make your resume stand out in a sea of other applications, using every viable SEO keyword you can scrounge up, and you do finally get the coveted interview, the stress is far from over. Certain questions feel more like traps than anything else.

But just like everything in life, a little prep, along with some expert advice, goes a long way.

There will be serious problems on both U.S. coasts.

If climate change isn’t stopped, this will lead to disastrous consequences for the entire planet.

"As a result of this, ice around the world is melting and raising the planet's sea level. The oceans already rose 6 centimeters during the course of the 19th century. But they rose by 19 centimeters during the 20th century, over 3 times faster than they rose in the previous century,” says a video produced by Real Life Lore. “NOAA estimates that global sea level could rise by up to 2.5 meters by the year 2100. Which would have devastating consequences."

Real Life Lore has over 7 million subscribers to its videos covering geography and world populations.

The video speculates that if all the ice on Earth melted, it would raise the global sea level by an incredible 68.3 meters (224 feet).

This would have a disastrous impact on the United States. How will Earth change if all the ice melts?