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She came around after she heard their reasoning.

If you’re a Gen Xer or older, one surprising habit the younger generations developed is their love of subtitles or closed-captioning while watching TV. To older generations, closed-captioning was only for grandparents, the hearing impaired, or when watching the news in a restaurant or gym.

But these days, studies show that Millenials and Gen Z are big fans of captions and regularly turn them on when watching their favorite streaming platforms. A recent study found that more than half of Gen Z and Millenials prefer captions on when watching television. This generational change perplexed TikTokker, teacher and Gen X mother, Kelly Gibson.

Proof that reptiles can every bit as be loving—and clingy—as our furry friends.

When looking for an affectionate, loving pet, people generally steer towards cats and dogs. Reptiles, often seen as non-sentient and emotionless, are typically reserved for those opting for something more exotic.

But after meeting Rocket, the iguana who demands constant attention, loves cuddles and even walks with a leash, you might consider lizards the next golden retrievers.

Udemy and Coursera courses, musical instruments, zoo passes and more—all for free.

It's well-established here at Upworthy that libraries are the greatest human invention ever. An open and welcoming public space where you can borrow books about any subject you want for free as long as you bring them back? Simply brilliant.

But even as awesome as that is, it's not even the half of what makes public libraries great because there is so much more you can get than just books. Lots of people probably know you can check out DVDs from most libraries as well, and many probably know that you can check out digital books and audiobooks as well. (If you haven't checked out the Libby app to check out free audiobooks with your library card, run don't walk.)

Can she please adopt us?

Everyone is going absolutely bonkers over James Marsden’s mom’s sweet and uncynical reaction to his Golden Globes nomination.

The "Dead to Me" actor, who was nominated for his role as himself in the genre-bending mockumentary "Jury Duty," posted a message from his mom to his Instagram, and it’s unbelievably sweet and maternal.