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The cat stealthily followed him and the dog the entire time—he just didn't know it.

Cats and dogs are, well, two different beasts. One comes from a lineage of solitary hunters, the other is a pack animal. That alone is bound to result in vastly different personalities.

And while we kind of know this about the world’s two favorite pets, you’ve probably never seen it in action quite like this before.

Time to reset your alarm clocks.

A common belief in American culture is that people who wake up early have all the advantages. As the sayings go, “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,” and “Early bird catches the worm.”

It makes sense. Early risers are seen as better disciplined and their schedules are more aligned with modern-day work culture.

However, a new study by researchers at Imperial College London has found the opposite: Night owls do better on cognitive tests that measure their brain function than those who get up at the crack of dawn. The researchers embarked on the study to help people suffering from age-related cognitive decline.

The duo were seen holding hands while on stage for a Comic Con panel.

Since actors Vanessa Kirby and Pedro Pascal began promoting Marvel’s new “Fantastic Four” reboot (playing Sue Storm and Reed Richards, respectively), fans have speculated over their offscreen chemistry.

Countless clips of their red carpet interviews have circulated social media, with comments noting how they “couldn’t stop staring at each other” following, suggesting romance was in the air. Most of the theories fell pretty heavily on Kirby’s side, with people joking about her “flirting” with Pascal, even being full blown “in love” with him.

So when the duo were seen holding hands while on stage for a Comic Con panel, you can bet more rumors spread. But the truth behind that hand hold is actually much more heartwarming.

The optimal health myth that just won't die.

We all know that humans need water to survive, but how much just plain water do we actually need to consume each day to be healthy?

If your instinct is to say 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, you're not alone. For many of us, that figure has been ingrained into us since we were kids by health class teachers, family doctors and concerned caregivers alike.

However, needing 8 glasses a day of water is a total and complete myth.