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There's nothing like the pride of that first paycheck.

There are certain moments and milestones in life that hit harder than others. There are the biggies, of course—graduations, weddings, births, etc.—but there are also the smaller-but-still-significant ones that mark a major shift in life, when you officially cross a threshold into a whole new stage in your life's journey.

A mom captured one of those moments on video as her teen son opened his first paycheck from his job at McDonald's.

It's therapist-approved, too.

Have you ever been stuck talking to a family member trying to get you into an argument about politics or religion, and you’d much rather bail on the conversation than get into it with them? Do you have a coworker who traps you in the breakroom and won’t stop talking about their problems?

Therapists say the best way to get out of awkward and uncomfortable social situations is to use a communication tactic known as gray rocking. In this tactic, you sit there and give the person getting on your nerves as little response as possible so that they change the subject or talk to someone else.

A simple thing that could help everyone.

Listen, not every mother-in-law disregards boundaries, questions their kid’s parenting styles, tries to manipulate, and so on and so forth. But there’s a reason why the stereotype exists. Plenty have their own horror stories of being on the receiving end of toxic MIL behavior.

But for those wanting to avoid being that stereotype, Janelle Marie, or @millennialmatleave on TikTok believes that she has found the “key.” And it’s all about “filling your own cup.”

Scientists discovered it isn't just a myth.

We’ve all heard an old wives tale—a superstition or belief that seems ridiculous but just might have a kernel of truth to it. For instance: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Probably not literally true, but there’s no question that good nutrition helps keep you from getting sick. Counting sheep will help you fall asleep?

Well, it might, for some people. In other words, old wives tales might not be true for everyone all the time, but there’s often a little bit of truth in there somewhere. For centuries, the people of northern Ireland had an old wives tale of their own: A small churchyard in a hamlet called Boho has soil that is rumored to have magical healing powers.