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20 women and a movie star started it all.

One of the most frequently seen buildings in any town is a nail salon. It seems you can't go more than a few blocks without seeing one in most cities and if you frequent them, you've probably noticed that many of them are owned and operated by Vietnamese-Americans. There may have been some curiosity about this floating around or maybe people simply assumed it was always this way so they didn't ask.

But it turns out, Vietnamese owned nail shops boomed after the Vietnam War when America had an influx of refugees from the small country. Soogia, a small business owner and social media creator took to the internet to explain exactly why so many nail salons are owned by Vietnamese people after several followers asked her the question.

Slide 1: “How Do I Know If I Like Someone?”

There are many ways for parents to have “The Talk” with their kids. Some might opt for a more casual setting to make the conversation a little less awkward, while others might need a little more structure to make sure all the necessary bases are covered.

Tamara Mason, aka @tamaramasn on TikTok, clearly falls into the latter category, in the absolute best way.

In a video captured by her friend, Mason is seen delivering an impeccably thorough (and dare I say…fun?) birds and the bees talk with her 14-year-old daughter via PowerPoint slideshow.

The Ted Talk level presentation, “Prepared & Presented by Mommy Featuring: Pops + Dr. Auntie Whitney” (Auntie Whitney is, presumably the friend filming) was truly something for the history books.

John King decided to do something for his girlfriend and women everywhere.

Most women are going to get a period in their lifetime and with that comes the experience of the not so pleasant times of being born female. It's not a secret that periods are uncomfortable, there are even commercials about it and a trend of men trying on a simulator to get a more realistic experience of what menstrual cramps can feel like.

While most people can sympathize with the experience, there's not much they can do other than promise to always bring you chocolate and know what brand and type of menstrual products you use. It may seem small but those gestures can go a long way, especially when you're in pain or stuck at work with your last couple of sanitary products in tow.

But some partners go above and beyond when hearing monthly grievances, whether its taking on more duties in the home, running an epsom salt bath or, for one man, creating underwear specifically for his girlfriend to wear while on her period. Yep, you read that right.

John King, apparently the worlds best listener and problem solver, noted the complaints of his girlfriend when she would steal his boxer briefs and decided to do something about it. Not just for her but for women everywhere.

Once you see it, you’ll never unsee it.

Facebook user Savannah Root from Missouri stared at the photo above for hours before she finally figured out what it was.

Everyone that sees it either gets it right away or sits there stumped. The picture is so mystifying that after one week, it was shared over 33,000 times.