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Startup PromoTix ($48M in traction) is saving the events industry

PromoTix is solving the event industry’s challenges around high ticket fees and low attendance. Ticketmaster and competitors charge up to 40% of the ticket price to book, deterring guests who can’t afford the added cost. Combined with a crowded marketing space, events struggle.

PromoTix is raising funds to expand. Already profitable, with 656k users and $48M in sales in its first 30 months, PromoTix has low-fee and no-fee SaaS pricing, as well as patented marketing tools that drive attendance.

Folks under 30 will never understand.

Online shopping is an integral part of adult life no matter what age group you fall into. But apparently there’s one digital spending habit that didn’t make it to Gen Z.

UK-based radio host Jennie Longdon recently went viral for sharing how—despite being able to do virtually everything from our phones—folks over the age of 30 can’t seem to part with using their laptops for “big purchases.”

These are all Jedi mind tricks.

Humans are infinitely complex beings, but we can also be very predictable. That sounds paradoxical, but just as people are capable of complex feats of reasoning, we also have instinctual, subconscious reactions to everyday events that make it easy to anticipate our behaviors.

There is an art to navigating complex social situations, whether with friends, family, coworkers, customer service people, or business relationships. One of the most significant advantages is knowing how to respond to other people’s behavior correctly. A skillful response in the right moment can make all the difference, whether it means closing a deal, getting someone to like you, or calming down an agitated customer.

Sometimes the experts need to be humbled.

Los Angeles’ notoriously bad traffic is the result of myriad factors, but certainly one of the biggest contributors are the freeways…which often seem like they were designed by a toddler who hadn’t quite learned how to draw in a straight line yet.

Of course, these imperfections aren’t just aggravating, they're downright dangerous. But the amount of planning and funding it takes to actually make improvements is a Herculean effort.

“Midsize moms can do it, too ... maybe ... sort of.”

How many of us watch the Olympics and suddenly become inspired to attempt some of those amazing feats ourselves? Of course, we talk ourselves out of it. After all, leave it to the pros, right? But a part of us still thinks…wouldn’t it be fun to just try?

One mom decided to abandon inhibition and follow those urges, setting up her own gymnastics stadium (i.e. a kid’s mat on the floor of her kitchen) to channel her inner Simone Biles.