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What a powerful way to celebrate victory.

There’s no shortage of haka footage on social media, each as viscerally compelling as the last. And while this traditional Māori dance, consisting of exaggerated facial features and vigorous percussive gestures, might often be viewed as exclusively for male warriors preparing for battle, it is performed by both men and women.

And if there’s any doubt as to whether or not an all-female haka is every bit as breathtaking, just take a look at the one carried out by New Zealand’s rugby team after their Olympic gold medal win. Yowza.

So much more relatable than the actual Olympics.

Watching the Olympics is always an inspiring reminder of the incredible human ability to push the boundaries of excellence and achievement in sports. It can also be a good reminder of the utter inability the vast majority of us have to even come close to the feats those athletes perform.

There's a funny phenomenon with the Olympics where we all become overnight armchair experts in every sport, critiquing diving teams' synchronicity and rock climbers' foot placement and gymnasts' landings as if we have any idea what we're talking about. And there's also the phenomenon where, somewhere in our bodies, we feel like we might actually be able to do backflips on a balance beam or butterfly stroke our way across a pool or run 100 meters in 10 seconds.

These did not disappoint.

Naming a baby isn’t the easiest thing that new parents will experience, and subjecting themselves to the well intentioned, but not so helpful input of others is one of the many aspects that makes the whole process really stressful.

That of course goes double for naming twins.

Everyone has an opinion on how matching, catchy or avant garde twin names should be, but outside opinions are rarely what parents need—especially when they didn’t ask for it. Imagine finally coming up with not one, but two perfect monikers meant to represent the two humans you’re bringing into the word ostensibly for their entire life, and someone completely raining on that parade. Doesn’t sound like new parent bliss.

And that’s why one couple decided to come up with a list of fake twin names to give to any inquiring minds.

She was right to trust her instincts.

A video posted by a mechanic who goes by Tooey’s Garage on TikTok shows why it’s so important to listen to people who fear they are in danger. It’s also a great reminder that when you suspect something creepy is going on, tell someone about it.

It all started when a woman came to Tooey’s Garage because she thought her car had a tracker attached. "The customer stated that she suspected a tracker was in her vehicle and asked if we could take a look,” Tooey captioned the video.

The woman who came to Tooey’s Garage said she got an alert on her phone that an “unidentifiable tile” was following her around. So Tooey searched the inside of her car for hours and found nothing. Then he put the car up on a rack and searched the underside, where he found a tracker wrapped in duct tape and attached to the vehicle in a magnetic hide-a-key box.