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"Instead of saying 'I'm mad,' they'll say, 'my enemies succeeded.'"

It seems that Nigerians have never stopped having a flair for the dramatics when it comes to speaking, at least that's what people on the internet have revealed. Recently a podcast ClxpsAndGxgs uploaded a clip to TikTok to discuss an X thread they discovered.

"Nigerians speak so poetic when they're upset, instead of saying, 'I'm mad,' they'll say, 'my enemies have succeeded,'" one of the hosts reads before bursting into laughter.

This is apparently just how many Nigerians speak, because the comment section of the original X post which appeared in 2021 and the comments under the recent video give near endless examples.

There are many reasons why parents might have a "no sleepover rule." But that doesn't mean kids can't create memorable childhood moments with friends.

Sleepovers are a subject that parents and even experts can’t seem to agree on.

On the one hand, they are seen as opportunities for children to develop independence away from home and create core memories with friends—all the while giving parents some possible quiet time.

On the other hand, the “no sleepover rule” is becoming increasingly popular, as the boundary helps to avoid separation anxiety or thrusting kids into potentially risky, even dangerous environments.

But for parents who want the best of both worlds…the “sleepunder” might be the perfect solution.

We ranked the top 15. Which place came out on top?

America has many wonders, but which place is the most beautiful? A Redditor named DriedKitten posed the question to the AskReddit subforum and received over 1,100 replies.

To rank the responses on the Reddit post, we looked at the number of upvotes each suggestion received and then ranked them. It’s not the most scientific way of doing things, but it gives us a pretty good idea about the places in America that people think are most beautiful.

Here are the top 15 most beautiful places in America ranked.

"I got four kids, they eat my food, I stand behind this 100% since it's the only place I have privacy."

Actress Jessica Biel has caused quite an online commotion after sharing her unconventional eating habit of eating in the shower.

The discourse first started in 2020, when Biel shared a since-deleted Instagram post of an empty plate, fork and coffee cup sitting on the ledge of her shower. In her caption, Biel wrote, "Yes. I eat in the shower. I admit it,” adding that this particular shower meal consisted of chicken, apple sausage and an espresso.

Biel has gone on to list other things she considered “shower appropriate items,” which include cereal, yogurt, coffee, tea and popsicles (which are “safe” from being too messy even though they’ll start melting pretty fast).