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We've come a long way since the "suck it up" days.

One of the hallmarks of today's younger generations is that they have a greater awareness and acceptance of mental health issues than generations past. That's a good thing overall, with therapy and treatment for anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses being destigmatized.

There are some pitfalls that have come along with the wave of awareness and knowledge, but even so, it's a far cry from the way mental health used to be handled.

Some useful wisdom told in a fresh new way.

Marriage can take many forms, but at least one thing remains true no matter what the relationship looks like—the goal is to have a partner that actually makes your life better.

That sounds easy enough, but it’s actually not so easy to decipher sometimes. But one mom’s advice that worked on her own kids sounds pretty sound for everyone.

"I should ask mom, Dads never know."

We've come a long way toward gender equality in the past century, but there's still a lot of room for improvement, especially when it comes to shared parenting roles.

Even in households where couples try for equitable distribution of responsibilities, one parent generally ends up as the "default parent"—the one who keeps track of things like clothing sizes and routine appointments and the one people look to first when they need to ask a question. Most of the time, moms are viewed as the default parent, whether or not that's actually the reality. And on the flip side of that, dads are often assumed to be disengaged and clueless about their kids.

"I'm so frustrated because why is it this freaking hard?"

Losing weight is a personal journey, though when someone is visibly overweight, it seems sometimes others can feel that it's their business to comment on their weight. The media isn't much help in this area since they generally portray overweight people as someone who over eats due to lack of self control. They're also often seen as lazy and disheveled in movies and television shows, even when it's supposed to be comedy.

These sorts of portrayals can easily seep into the subconsciousness of viewers who may then prejudge overweight people they come into contact with. But just because someone is overweight or even obese, it doesn't mean they got that way due to unhealthy habits. It also doesn't mean they're maintaining the weight due to unhealthy habits.