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The experiment looked at how kids would act if no one was watching.

In 2016, Boys Alone (Social Experiment Documentary) took 10 boys ages 11-12 and left them unsupervised in a house for five days. Before the boys were left alone they were given cooking classes and other life skills lessons to give them all a more even starting ground.

They repeated the social experiment with girls in Girls Alone (Social Experiment Documentary). The girls are given the same life skills lessons as the boys before being left to their own devices for the better part of a week.

Both groups of children were left with cameras watching their every move as adults monitored from outside of the home. But there was no interference and when the camera crew was present they did not interact or attempt to parent the children in any way.

Rule #1: "I know that most of you think you are not talking about your kids. Cut that back 80%."

While people who choose to be child-free are completely happy for their friends who do have kids, the difference in lifestyles and priorities can start to cause riffs in many otherwise strong friendships.

A lot of the dissonance can come from the fact that, understandably, being a parent is a major part of someone’s identity. It’s not just about being bombarded with baby pictures, but the way 99% of conversations and activities steer towards things kid-related that is alienating and aggravating.

Here are 19 of the best responses.

Writer and illustrator Aubrey Hirsch jokingly asked her followers on Twitter what’s a “universal thing that most men like?” because she was writing a comic and “just realized I don’t actually know any men in real life." The tweet inspired an avalanche of funny responses.

The interesting thing about the responses is that they weren’t the typical stereotypes about men. She didn’t get a ton of people talking about sex, sports or toxic masculinity.

Nothing but sympathy for anyone trying to learn English as a second language.

If you've ever tried to learn another language, you know what a daunting task it is to grasp different grammar, syntax, pronunciation and spelling rules, in addition to the exceptions to those rules. Other than something like Esperanto, the thousands of languages humans speak weren't purposefully invented, but evolved over millennia, which means the structures of them don't always make perfect, logical sense.

Comedian Bobby Finn highlights the absurdity of English spelling and pronunciation in his "English Class" videos, which showcase how futile it is to try to logic your way through learning the language.