Upworthiest 12

Did they teach their kids respect?

Teresa Kaye Newman, a teacher about to have a son, knows a lot about how to deal with children. So she created a list of 11 things she agrees with Boomers on when it comes to raising kids.

Newman believes she has credibility on the issue because she has 13 years of experience dealing with “hundreds and hundreds” of other people’s kids and has seen what happens when her so-called “Boomer” parenting principles aren’t implemented.

The moment it hits him is comedy gold.

If there were an award for “Most Entertaining Personality On and Offscreen,” Jack Black surely would have won it many times over. The man can turn any moment into pure spun comedic gold of epic proportions. Whether he’s playing iconic video game characters or doing an improvised interpretive dance at home, the man knows how to bring a smile to people’s faces.

Case and point: the “Jumanji” star’s endlessly enthusiastic acceptance speech for his first ever Emmy award.

After admitting “I’m really nervous and stoked to be here,” he then offered heartfelt thanks to several co-creators of the film and series co-creators, saying that his character Po has “been the role of a lifetime.”

It’s then that Black realized he forgot someone on his thank-you list. Someone very important. His wife.

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An unexpected pivot to project management expanded Krystal Brady's idea of what it means to make a positive impact.

Cancer impacts nearly everyone’s life in one way or another, and thankfully, we’re learning more about treatment and prevention every day. Individuals and organizations dedicated to fighting cancer and promising research from scientists are often front and center, but we don’t always see the people working behind the scenes to make the fight possible.

People like Krystal Brady.

While studying political science in college, Brady envisioned her future self in public office. She never dreamed she’d build a successful career in the world of oncology, helping cancer researchers, doctors and advocates continue battling cancer, but more efficiently.

They're also way cozier than the 2 million pounds of wrapping paper that ends up in landfills every year.

Wrapping paper is a delightful invention, with all of its fun patterns and colors and wrapping methods, all in service of keeping gifts a surprise.

It's also a total environmental blight, unfortunately. Most wrapping paper is one-time use only, as what makes it pretty and shiny and durable are usually plastics that can't be separated from the paper for recycling. So into the landfill it goes, to the tune of 2.3 million pounds a year, according to Popular Science. 

OR you can go a whole new route by ditching the paper altogether and going for the truly old-fashioned, easy peasy solution of cloth gift bags that you either purchase or make yourself. If you think that sounds like a bit of a stretch, hold the judgment until you see how utterly adorable these bags are.